Donelle Lacy

Donelle Lacy is an illustrator and YA fantasy author, library clerk, tea drinker, and chattery introvert. Her hobbies include sketching famous people very fast, creating new characters, pc gaming, reading fantasy and YA novels, admiring nature, and entertaining two utterly charming cats. She has been to various US states, Mexico, and Indonesia, and hopes to add many others to that list. Among the states she’s visited are Georgia, where she received her MFA in Illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design, and Florida, where she worked as a member of the Disney College Program in the Magic Kingdom.

Donelle currently lives and works in Ohio, where she creates stories about otherworldly folk and fish-out-of-water. She has a tendency to world-build, and at least two of her characters have taken the form of ball-jointed dolls.

She posts about writerly geekery on Mondays.

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